Arcam SR250 AV高清2聲道立體聲接收放大器

Arcam of Cambridge: PREVIEW: SR250 unique stereo AV receiver. The power and performance of a Class G Hi-Fi amplifier. The connectivity of a word-class AV amp. Literally the best of both worlds.
台型十足的SR250立體聲接收放大器,是一台跨越傳統兩聲道立體聲接收放大器和高位CAS範疇,因應世界各地音樂愛好者的要求應運而生的全新傑作,它是該社首台配備Dirac Research最新研發Dirac Live房間音效修正技術的產品,造就器材跟聆聽空間得以融為一體,展視應有實力。SR250亦配備廠方自行研發,每邊聲道可提供90W輸出的G類高保真功放線路,能協助輸入靈敏度較低的監聽級揚聲器產品展視驚人動態,另一方面用家更可藉助前級Pre-out、2組超低音輸出和Zone 2輸出組,跟同門後級和有源超低音相連,為日後升級作好準備。Arcam of Cambridge: PREVIEW: SR250 unique stereo AV receiver. The power and performance of a Class G Hi-Fi amplifier. The connectivity of a word-class AV amp. Literally the best of both worlds.