FOCAL Chora 806荣获TAS 2022年编辑选择奖

The Absolute Sound简称TAS,因其简称的谐音被国内的音响发烧友誉为“天书”,或者“发烧天书”,或者“第一发烧天书”。该杂志总部位于美国南部德克萨斯州的奥斯汀,德州以其民风彪悍著称美国,TAS也以其评测犀利、推荐权威而著称于发烧友圈。自1973年以来,TAS以优质的音频和音乐等新闻树立了标准,帮助塑造行业并引导音响和音乐爱好者能够聆听真实的录音作品表现为使命。

而在本年The Absolute Sound推出的2022年“编辑选择奖”中,Focal Chora 806荣幸入选。

Focal’s latest compact combines a hip, fashionable look with sonics that have an even, mellow balance and a light responsive character.Vocals, male and female, are expressive and relaxed, but are generally offered up with a little less energy and presence than a full-range monitor would exhibit. However, in true compact-monitor fashion, musical details, small and large, are reproduced in abundance. Overall, a well-rounded package of solidly engineered performance that touches a multitude of sonic bases and serves both the music and the listener, the Chora 806 is proof that there’s still a lot of life left in the budget, two-way, compact monitor.

Focal Chora 806属于Chora系列中唯一的书架喇叭,是同价位中唯一法国原产扬声器,共有黑色、枫木色、胡桃木三种颜色可选。拥有很好的音乐性与动态,也秉持Focal大厂的设计理念,保留最高音质的听觉享受。

Chora 806紧凑而充满力量,,拥有Chora系列的大部分特性,比如Slatefiber振盆,TNF倒圆球顶高音单元等,这是Focal40多年声学研究的成果。每个细节都经过仔细斟酌,以满足用户对声音再现和设计的预期。
